Friday, March 14, 2008

Surgery #15-Hope

We are heading to Seattle for yet another surgery for Hope. This one is number 15 for her. She is doing well but with the braces in place she has sprung 2 fistula's (or holes) they are not very big but about the size diameter of a large speghetti noodle. Well they are causing problems with speech and she wants them repaired. So here we go.

She will have surgery on Wednesday March 19th.
This is her spring break and what a way to spend it. I can sure think of better ways but she is determined.

We are hoping this surgery is successful as it stands a chance to fail. If this does not work then the holes are larger because of compromised tissue and the will have to do a live graft from her tongue/cheek. Which is a 2 surgery proceedure and entailes us returning 3 weeks later to remove the tongue/cheek graft and hopefully the cells have adhered to the holes and plugged them up. Not fun...

As you can see from her photo she cut all her gorgeous hair off.

She loves it short and she looks adorable. She is growing up fast.

Well we will be in touch after surgery to let you all know how she did.

Talk soon
