Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tami's birthday 40??? something

Here it is my 4??? birthday. Yes i will let you all in on a secret. I am 47.

We started the weekend off with a trip to Libby, MT to get our grand daughter and her mom, Coral and bring them back to Kalispell. It is a 3 hour trip of driving time.

She is just a doll as you can see. We had a great time babysitting while Coral went to visit some friends. It is too much fun being a grandma and spoinling her and sending her back. As you can see from the photo she is definitely a James baby. I will post his photo from when he was born also so you can see. It is hard at times to call her a 'SHE' because she looks just like her daddy. She is now 1 month old and doing great. She has gained over 2 lbs in 1 month. Loves to eat!!!

We are just thrilled!!!

John threw me a party on Sunday evening with Salmon dinner. It was very cool!! He did good. Usually he forgets until the very last moment so i am a happy girl.

We took Aroura and Coral back home on Monday and enjoyed our weekend so much we are going to do this regularly with them.

On Tuesday which was my real birthday i went and got a pedicure done first one ever for me! Whoo-hoo!!! I love these. I also had acrylic nails put on and i am feeling quite pampered. That was my gift. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned for future bragging photo's.