Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Another year ,School begings...

The first day of school 2007
Well here we are another year later after i started this blog. Since then we have had a lot happen in our family. We now have 2 grandkids and we have 2 daughter growing up before our very eyes. They started school in September and are doing great. I can not be prouder of them. Hope started the Middle School in Kalispell, she turned 12 in August, and she is almost taller than me. Imagine that one a Chinese daughter who is tall. She is skinny and long legged. She wants to be on the Basketball team this year but with her mouth surgeries i am not sure... Well she is a great student and happy and into the preteen attitude. Watch out!!! She has come a long way from that little one at age 26 mos when we adopted her.

Hope at adoption, passport photo 1997

Well onto Grayce she is another blessing. A friend of mine asked me the other day if i am mad at the fact we have our grand daughter 1/3 of the time? I said no!!! It is such a blessing and it doesn't matter HOW they come into our family they are truly a blessing. So needless to say we are totally enjoying being older parents. Adoption is such a wonderful thing and it expands your capacity to love more. We will celebrate 10 years with Hope on October 15th.

Grayce is turning 7 in 2 weeks and such a joy. Even her teacher loves her and enjoys all the funny things she does. Remind me to give that teacher a special gift for Christmas. Grayce can be exhausting at times but she is so full of life. If only her parents could know how much she is adored and i could thank them. She was such a little peanut the day we first met her. We call her our stick of dynamite a punch in a small package!!She is now almost 7 and in the 1st grade
AnnaGrayce age 6 mos. 2001